Launch and subscription Information for 'Revival'.
Poets from Limerick, Ireland, the UK and America are to be found within the covers of a new poetry journal produced by the WhiteHousePoets. Echoeing the famous White House Poetry Revival readings the new title is called REVIVAL and is set to continue on where their first publication Microphone On left off. The launch of REVIVAL will take place during this years Cuisle Poetry Festival on the 18th October 2006 in the White House pub - the spiritual home of poetry in Limerick.
The new journal is to be published four times per year and it is set to take its place among Irelands foremost poetry periodicals.
Subscriptions Information.
You can subscribe to Revival by one of two methods.
To subscribe to Revival just forward your name and address to:
Subscriptions, Revival, Moravia, Glenmore Ave., Roxboro Rd., Limerick Ireland.
Send no money we will send you an invoice with your first copy.
Or pay by Paypal: You can set up a PayPal account using Visa, Mastercard, Switch (UK), Solo (UK) or American Express and pay for your subscription with it. Paypal can be used to pay for other services on the web including CDs from cdwow.com, cdbaby.com, items from eBay and several other sites.
The following rates will apply.
1 issue - € 7.00/$10.00/£5.00 plus €1.00/$1.00/£1.00 p&p
4 issues - €28.00/$40.00/£20.00 p&p FREE
We are now accepting submissions for issue 2 to be published Jan '07 see submission guidelines below.
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